Friday, March 30, 2012

Home Inspection Tomorrow

We were suppose to close on the house today on the first contract. Oh well...

We received an email from Don yesterday wanting  to know if tomorrow would be OK to schedule the home inspection. We told him that would be fine but we were holding another yard sale so we would be here as well. He said that was no problem so the inspection is scheduled for 9:30AM tomorrow morning.

When we get up in the morning we always turn the TV on and listen to the news and weather while we're getting dressed for work. The weatherman said we have a cold front coming through so we have the possibility of rain coming in tonight. It's very possible we may wake to rain tomorrow morning. We have been so tired and mentally drained lately that we decided with the chance of rain not to have the yard sale. Instead I think we might go for a motorcycle ride and have a nice lunch somewhere and relax a little. We need a break.. The rain should exit our area somewhere around 9 or 10:00AM in the morning so I think we should be OK after that. I'm feeling better already.

We'll let you know how the home inspection goes the next time.

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