Saturday, March 31, 2012

Body by Vi, Home Inspection and Shopping

My plans for Saturday didn't work out as I had hoped. According to the weather guessers on Friday night, a cold front was suppose to come through our area, rain sometime during the night and clear out around 9:00 or 10:00 AM Saturday morning. We decided to take the car and go to breakfast while the inspection was going on and return later, then maybe go for a bike ride. When we awoke in the morning there had been no rain but it was cloudy so we went to breakfast as planned thinking the front had probably slowed overnight and rain would start at any time.

After breakfast Ellen decided she wanted to do a little shopping so we went by Belk's and we both found some new clothing we liked. After we left Belk's we stopped by Beall's to do a little more shopping. Both of us have been on Body by Vi since November and have lost enough weight that our clothes aren't fitting very well any more. I've lost 22 lbs. and Ellen has lost 15. Body by Vi is a meal replacement shake and it's been working very well for us. We're also saving a lot of money on groceries. You drink a shake for breakfast and one for lunch, then have a sensible dinner. The shakes are very tasty and we don't get hungry between meals. So many of us in America could stand to lose a few pounds and Ellen feels so strongly about the health value of the shakes, she started promoting the Body by Vi challenge. If your interested in finding out more about Body by Vi check out Ellen's website here.

When we were leaving Beall's Don called to let us know the home inspection was finished so we went back home. It was probably somewhere between 12:00 and 1:00 PM when we arrived back at the house and in less than 30 minutes it was pouring rain. No bike ride today!

Don told us the inspector said our house was the most well maintained 30 year old house he has ever inspected in his career. He found nothing at all negative. What a world of difference from the inspector on the first contract. Of course, the first inspector was friends with the lady we had the contract with. Sounds fishy, I know! We truly believe it was planned in case she wanted to get out of the contract for some reason. The things the first inspector found were trivial things that should never have been on a report. Would you think that an aluminum soffit that had a dent in it that looked like maybe a broom handle or something similar had hit it and put a small dent in the aluminum would be on a home inspection report?

Anyway, the home inspection went very well with nothing negative to report. I guess now we wait for an appraisal which should be within the next couple of weeks. That's going to be the next hurdle for us. I sure hope it appraises for enough that we can come to some kind of agreement to close the deal. I'll definitely be glad when this is all over.

Until next time...


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