Friday, February 17, 2012

Downsizing is Hard Work

Downsizing is hard work and a great deal of it is mental! We don't have a lot of time to work on it during the week, so most of what we're able to do is on the weekend. For the last couple of weekends we've been cleaning out closets, drawers, and desks throwing away things we wouldn't be taking with us and didn't think would sell in a yard sale. We were also putting things together that we felt would sell and setting them aside. We were also taking photos of larger items that need to be posted on Craigslist and once we get 5 or 6 items ready I post the ads. It's really time consuming, but I think things sell better with photos. People like to see exactly what things look like before contacting you. At least that's the way I am. I want to see what kind of shape it's in and if there is no picture I won't even consider making contact.
The hard part is really understanding just how much "stuff" you have to get rid of and breaking the perception in our minds that "more is better".  We're preparing to move from a 1450 sq. ft. space into a 320 sq. ft space. A little more than that when the slides are extended. I'll admit I'm struggling with it but it's getting easier. It's unbelievable how much "stuff" you can accumulate over the years. We have lived in our current home 15 years and you acquire things that somehow end up just sitting on a shelf or in a closet that you never use or enjoy. Sometime you even find things you forgot you had. That doesn't make it any easier to get rid of, but we're working on it and we're making progress.

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