Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Danny's Diner and Pig Fest

This past weekend we didn't get a lot done towards our preparations for another yard sale. I did get a few more items posted on Craig's List on Sunday, but that was about it. I hope this round goes as well as the first round did. Ellen has  been a little under the weather the last few days and has stayed inside trying to get over it. She went to the doctor Friday and got a shot of steroids and a Z Pack of antibiotics. She was beginning to go stir crazy by Saturday so I decided to take her out for a little while during the day. It was such a nice warm day.

We went over to Tampa to try this diner we recently saw on an episode of "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives" on the Food Network. Ellen and I love to watch this show and write down some of the more interesting places we see in hopes that once we retire and start Rving full time that we will be able to experience some of them as we travel. On this particular episode they finally had a diner that wasn't too far away that we could try. It was only about a 35 to 40 minute drive from our home in Auburndale to the diner. It is called "Danny's All American Diner and Dairy Bar" and on the show they featured the "Home Run Chili Cheeseburger" and the "Cuban Sandwich Danny Style". It really looked good, so we decided to drive over and try it out. We ordered one of each and had them cut in half so we could share.The first thing we noticed was Danny was not doing the cooking like he did on the show. When our order arrived the cuban sandwich was barely warm and the burger was overcooked. When asked how we liked it after we were basically finished, Ellen was honest and told the lady that the cuban wasn't hot, the cheese wasn't melted and the bread was chewy. (If you don't want an honest opinion, don't ask Ellen what she thinks) She isn't rude but she will tell the truth if asked. The lady she was talking to told us they have told the staff over and over again how long the sandwich needs to remain on the press in order for it to come out right. Maybe they were having a bad day. I sure hope so because the lady gave us a card for a free burger to entice us to come back and try it again. We'll see...

After we left Tampa we stopped by the "Lakeland Pig Fest" for a short while to see some of our friends that were competing, this was a KCBS competition. It's been quite a while since we've seen them. Our friend that got us started, well is our mentor,  was there. His name is Terry McKay and he is a one man BBQ team. The name is "Get-R-Smoked". He won team of the year last year with the FBA (Florida Barbecue Association).  In this KCBS competition there were over 70 professional teams competing this year. We stayed long enough to hear him get the call for 1st place ribs but they were taking so long to make the award announcements between back yard division and the pros we had to leave. It was getting late and I wanted to get Ellen back inside before dark. We looked online that evening and saw that Terry took 4th place over all in the competition. What a great accomplishment.  "Congrats Terry".

That was about it for our weekend. Now it's back to work.

Until next time...

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