Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our First Christmas in "The Rose"

Ellen and I had a great time at the RV park this past weekend but then again we always have fun when we get out in the motorhome, no matter where we are. After we got the rig setup and settled into our spot we fired up the Smokey Joe to cook some burgers and fries. We don't have burgers or fries very often (trying to eat healthier) but when we go camping we always love to start the weekend off cooking burgers on the grill and having a few cold ones to relax.

On Saturday we rode our bicycles around the park to get a little exercise and to see all of the different motorhome setups that people have. We didn't realize how big this place really is until we started riding around it. While we were riding we met a gentleman from Chicago who has been fulltiming in his RV since 2005. He has the same model motorhome as we have and he told me about a forum that I should check into on the web that had a lot of useful information on Tiffin motorhomes. If you have a Tiffin motorhome and haven't heard of the site before like me, here's the link to it tiffinrvnetwork. While 95% of the content is specific to Tiffin motorhomes everyone is welcome to join the forum. It seems like you always learn something new from someone on every outing that is so helpful to you in some way. We have learned so much since we started RVing from people that we meet along the way.

On Sunday we explored the park further on our bicycles and for Christmas dinner we had the traditional turkey, dressing and cranberry sauce.  We have always stayed at home, cooked out, and invited friends over for Christmas or we would go to one of our friends house. This is the first Christmas we have spent by ourselves out in the RV and we had a wonderful time.

At one point during the weekend Ellen and I did discuss the disappointing news that we received from the realtor about the value of our home and as we talked it over were able to put things in perspective. We discussed a few options that we'll look into in the next couple of weeks and decide what our next step should be. For now we'll continue getting things ready for another yard sale about the middle of January. One thing we have found out is that we have way too much "stuff" and we still need to get rid of a lot of it.

As usual Ellen got tears in her eyes when it was time to go "home".  Believe it or not I think I did too.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.

Until next time...

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